The Web File Editor is software for Mac and Windows and a simple protocol for your website that lets your users edit files from your online content management system (CMS). Users can download and run the software for free. You can implement the protocol and test on your local network for free. When you are ready to deploy the feature to your users on the Internet, you purchase a yearly license for your server. It’s just $100 per server IP address.
First, you implement the protocol on your website. The first system with which we integrated Web File Editor, an Electronic Medical Records system written in PHP, took us a couple of days to get most functionality working. Our instructions should make it even easier for you.
Second, have your users download and install Web File Editor from the links at right. Once they have the application installed, their computer will be able to handle the “wfed:” protocol. It lets them download any file, edit it using the software on their computer that they know how to use, and upload it back to your CMS to replace the old file. Web File Editor works with any file, such as a Microsoft Word® document, a JPEG image, or even just a simple text file.
Users: Getting started with Web File Editor.
Developers: Learn how the “wfed:” protocol works.